Oookay. I didn't even realize so much time has flown by since my last update. We have been a little busier than usual around here but all has been very well, thank G-d.
First of all, Max is doing just fine! He is loving daycare, and I can't even count the words he is using. He regularly speaks in full sentences, but sometimes it's hard to understand his pronunciation. It should also be noted that very little of his speech is in Russian, but that was to be expected when we sent him to daycare. He loves going all day and learned all of his colors. We are now working on learning to count. Potty training is not even a little bit fun. It seems he knows what is going on, but refuses to tell me. At one point we had the potty in the living room and so Max can sit on the potty and not interrupt his play. He made it in almost every time. Then I got tired of him pooping in my living room, and he refuses to tell me and go to the bathroom, so we're not sure how to proceed from here. Buying him nice underwear with cars on it didn't work.
As far as medical stuff is concerned, Max's engraftment was 10% from December 30th. Since we're testing it only monthly, the number in November was 11%. In October, we tested twice and the first time was 7% and then went up to 11% (I think, or maybe 10?). I'm pretty happy with it, if it stays this way.
Max had his second MRS/MRI and there was no change from the first one! So we are still clear as of October. We'll probably test again in April and hopefully there will still be no change.
The biggest reason for why we have been so busy is that I got a job! It is really nice to be working again. It is really nice to wear nice pants and nice shoes and a nice sweater and not worry about anyone smearing yogurt all over me. It is also really nice to talk to adults! But, and there's always a but, I miss hanging out with Max. I guess this is what everyone goes through, and I have to say that working full time is 1000 times better than being a stay at home mom full time. Maybe someday I'll be able to work 30 hours a week, which will probably be better, but I don't really know.
So, thank G-d, we are doing ok. Thank you for keeping up with us and enjoy the pictures!