Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day +50

Here we are at day +50!!! I can't believe we made it so far, and how far we still have to go. As I write this Max is sitting and playing in his crib. He's very cute and smiley this morning. We're still on our weird night schedule but at least we slept in until 11 this morning so I'm not too upset. Normal schedules are for losers anyway, haha. We are still having some poop issues and our gvh hasn't gotten much better or any worse so its ok.
our numbers from tuesday:
white blood cells: 6.4
hgb: 10.5
platelets: 238
anc: 5.2

all of these are in the normal range. we still don't have a normal immune system, but we're doing ok and im quite ok with that.


  1. WOW!! I cannot believe you're at day +50 already.. Max looks great and you have such a wonderful attitude about the schedule.. Don't worry he will eventually get back to normal.

    Nice work to both of you. :)

    Such a cute video!! He's workin so hard.

  2. Thanks! He's working and I'm cheering. we have an arrangement :)

  3. He is so cool!!! Great job, Maxik!!!
