Grandma, Max, and Mommy at the Seneca Park Zoo
I skipped yesterday because it was the one year anniversary of Max's transplant and we weren't celebrating because I guess it just seems like we're exactly where we started. I was very cranky and so Max was cranky and so we all were cranky so I made food and then in the evening we felt better. But still I was planning on a big celebration. To be honest though, one year ago today, I thought I would be mourning, because I didn't think we would survive. I guess yesterday we should have celebrated how far we've come and how well Max is really doing, and how grateful we are for even that, but I couldn't get past my disappointment. We had a very good day today so far. I'll try to keep focusing on the positive and remembering that we're in G-d's hands and that those are good hands to be in.
Your food was very good!