We've been doing well thank G-d. While we were in Rochester, Max used his first 3 word phrase, "Dai peets please," which translates to, "give me a drink please." I guess I shouldn't be surprised that his first 3 word sentence is a mix of Russian and English. On the way home Max said a 4 word phrase. "Papa mumum chhrr please," which translates from Max's language into "Papa cracker food please." I noticed he started to repeat more often when we teach him words, instead of just smiling at us. Thank G-d, I take this as a sign that his brain is in fact developing and MPS isn't causing damage yet. Of course our next MRS is in October and I have high hopes that Max will really thrive in daycare. This will probably be the moment I would really expect him to have to start talking seriously. We'll see and we'll pray. In the meantime it looks like the engraftment is very very very slowly dropping. Still praying that it goes up. I can't imagine putting Max through another transplant when he's come so far, but if necessary....
On a happier note, Max is getting better and better in the pool. He can stay under water for a very impressive amount of time now and hold his breath. He loves jumping in to the pool and then swims up on his own, except for the last bit to get his head out of the water where I help. Hoping that he'll swim a few feet forward on his own by the end of the summer but we'll see what happens. Also, as much as I have loved Max being in a crib, it is time for a big boy bed. He has already demonstrated his ability to climb over by throwing his leg over the rail and pushing up with his arms. Good thing we were there to catch him. Hopefully he won't decide to try it on his own and we'll get him a bed ASAP. Probably I'm forgetting something. Thank you for keeping up :)
Yay for swimming!!!!!! Thanks for posting pictures -they're SOOOO cute. I really enjoyed reading about his first sentence, so cute.