Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day +300

I finally counted out the days yesterday and was absolutely shocked to find out that yesterday was day 299. I can't believe how far out from transplant we are and also how far we are from being done. Max's engraftment level from Thursday came back on Monday as 19% again. Lucky for us we have an amazing donor who again gave Max his blood. Yesterday Max got fresh blood cells that didn't even smell like cream of corn because they were free of preservatives. Dr. D said that this boost was also twice as big as the ones Max has been getting as far as cell counts go. I really hope this is the one that does the trick, but if not, we've got plenty more blood frozen again thanks to a generous donor. Maybe by the time we're done with all the new blood, Max's engraftment will have gone up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day + one of these days I'll count it out...

We're in Rochester visiting our family and friends! We love it here so much, and Max is so much happier with all the grandparents crowding around him and playing with him. We're having a great time. Our engraftment went up a little to 21% so I guess he's still stable.