Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day +24

In the last update, I mentioned that I would like for the white blood cell counts to go up faster. The next morning, yesterday, I woke up to the news that our wbc went up from 1.6 to 13.6!!! Our ANC was 11.7, but our monocytes fell to 13. Awesome!

Since the wbc and anc went up so much they stopped the gcsf (the drug that was stimulating max's cells to come in faster), and today the counts look a little more normal.

wbc: 5.9
hgb: 8.9
platelet: 83
monocyte: 10
anc: 5.19

great news!

also, yesterday, max (FINALLY) rolled over onto his tummy for the frst time on his own!!! of course he had no intention of ending up on his stomach, he was only curious to find out where the roll was going. as soon as he realized where he was, he started crying.


  1. It seems like every comment I write to you disappears...

    This is all great news!!! Max is working hard..

    Any new updates?

  2. sorry, my computer hasn't been behaving and with the move i haven't had a chance for internet. I hope you and Bella are doing well!
