Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day +62

Our white blood cell counts are in a slump ~ only 2.9 today!!! The doctors said not to worry, but of course, I'm worried. Anyways, the rest of our numbers are OK, although I don't remember what they are right now and I don't have today's print out. I just wanted to add some new pictures of Hairy Max. Maybe if he keeps growing hair like this, he'll be all set for Halloween as a werewolf or a monkey.


  1. LOL!!!!

    Don't stress yourself out with the counts.. Bella's actually dropped down to nothing once they stopped the GCSF and it took a few days for her body to kick the WBC into over drive. I'll be praying for you and for sweet Max.

    Looks like he's becoming a little hairy monkey like Bella. :) I love it but Bella is losing it now.... Wait until his eyebrows come in. ;)

  2. thanks for the encouraging words, and the prayers. we need them
