Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day +78

We're back on the BMT floor after spending last night in the PICU. Yesterday, Max was nauseous and I brought him to the clinic to be looked at by some professionals to see if he was ok. While there he got really pale and spiked a fever. Also, his blood pressure began to drop so he was admitted right away to the PICU. None of his tests came back yet, so we don't know what went wrong, but the doctors think he may have a bloodstream infection so they're giving him some antibiotics to treat whatever it may be. I'll try to keep this updated, but for now, Max hasn't had a fever since last night's spike and he's been keeping his bp up on his own. He's also been playing again today, so we're taking it as a good sign.


  1. Yana - we're prayin hard for Mr. Max and for you!!! So glad you has someone look at him...

    ((hugs)) to you.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth, we can use the prayers! So far nothing has grown and his virals are all negative. so far, so good.

  3. That's really great news... Hopefully those germs will stay away!!!!!

    So sorry you're going through this. I know how helpless you must feel right now. Just remember your friends and family are all here cheering you both on! You're doing a great job Yana!
